With roofs over our heads and food on our tables, we often forgot how privileged we are. Unfortunately, many people don’t have access to these same basic necessities. Charity organizations truly can change people’s lives and we need to support the causes that these organizations promote -- and the holidays are the perfect time for that! It’s so important to give back, and there are several opportunities to do so right here in Westchester. Happy Holidays!
The Child Care Council is a non-profit organization that promotes quality early care and education to ensure healthy children and family developments. The organization helps child care providers grow their businesses, meet their legal obligations, and help implement quality improvement strategies. From November 1st to December 19th, the Council is running a Holiday Toy Drive. All gifts will be donated to Toys for Tots. You can order toys on Amazon from the toy registry (find it on their website: childcarewestchester.org), or drop off gifts at the Child Care Council of Westchester’s office (313 Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale, NY 10583).
Lifting Up Westchester hosts Holiday Lift activities which includes distributing warm coats and winter clothing, providing 2,000 holiday meals from the LUW soup kitchen, filling and distributing 500 holiday food bags and wrapping and delivering hundreds of holiday gifts. You can volunteer for these activities or make donations at liftingwestchester.org.
GirlAGain is a local non-profit that is dedicated to helping young women with autism develop job skills. They accept American Girl and Pleasant Company dolls, doll clothing, furniture, accessories and books, as long as all are in good condition. You can bring in or mail your items to GirlAGain, 4 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606.
The Sharing Shelf is a clothing bank for children in Westchester that collects and distributes new and gently used clothing. Volunteers meet in the Port Chester warehouse, where donations are screened then sorted by season, gender and size. Attorneys, social workers, teachers and therapists work with low-income families to better their lives. You can volunteer and create packages filled with a week’s worth of seasonally appropriate clothing matched into outfits according to the child’s size. Visit fsw.org for more information.
Habitat for Humanity Westchester runs a program throughout December called, “The Homes for Holidays” where participants are asked to build 10 homes and raise pledge money in time for the holidays. There will also be a party hosted at the New Rochelle High School where families can contribute to their fund. Visit habitatwc.org for more information