Now that in-person contact in school is concluded for the school year until September, it’s time to introduce how we communicate via the internet.

First, is the beloved breakout app Zoom, which is unfortunately not supported by Ardsley High School due to security and privacy reasons. It serves as a way for students to communicate with their friends privately as a way of social distancing. Sometimes this can be used for student-led school events such as the Student Council Virtual Trivia Night. We may not be able to use this app as a norm in contrast to Google Video Meets, but many universities and companies around the world have opted to use this platform to connect virtually.
One of Zoom’s opponents is Google Meets, the video meeting platform we use for online classes. Our teachers are able to set up video calls on Google Meets under the Ardsley Union Free School District domains. Multiple students and parents across all three Ardsley schools have said that this has given them closure of seeing their peers and teachers in a virtual way, since they cannot see them physically. This has also been used for virtual club board info meetings for next year, counseling sessions, and virtual dance parties organized by the Ardsley High School Guidance Department.
In light of the current situation and about how things will turn out, this may be the new normal until the first part of next school year due to social distancing protocols. Therefore, we better get comfortable using platforms like Zoom and Google Meets to connect with each other. Nonetheless, I hope you are enjoying this experience and have a good summer!