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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

NEW YORK - Parents of students attending [REDACTED] High School in southern New York are in an uproar after an entire class was made to return for ninth period, the final period of the day.

The teacher, [REDACTED], punished the class after more than half of the students failed to turn in their homework from the previous day. As a result, [REDACTED] “ordered [the students] to come back ninth period, even though we don’t have to. It’s tyranny” a student told us, who has asked to remain anonymous for legal purposes.

In the local high school, students are not required to remain in school for the final period of the day, but many use it to meet with teachers for extra help. However, a teacher will tell one or multiple students to return to their classroom ninth period either to offer assistance with their schoolwork or as punishment.

Some say the latter is a crime that violates international law, such as a group of students and teachers, who have also asked to remain anonymous to avoid legal repercussions.

“Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly states that collective punishment is a war crime. If it’s a war crime internationally, why should a teacher at a high school be allowed to impose it on kids?” asks one student, who is one of a handful taking initiative against the action.

“Some of our human rights may be oppressed, but we can’t just allow these types of authoritarian actions to be committed in our school,” she continued. “We must defend our rights as students and as people.”

The school has not yet responded to the situation, despite the fact that a growing number of students are joining the conflict.

A protest is scheduled for next week, and legal action was announced.


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