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One of Ardsley’s most special traditions, the Senior Read to Me, was done virtually this year. Every senior who has been in the Ardsley school district since Kindergarten gets to experience Senior Read to Me two times: first when starting off their academic endeavors and second when closing out their Ardsley journeys. Typically, in October the seniors have breakfast and then go to Concord Road School where they spend the morning reading to kindergarteners. Although I wasn’t here in kindergarten, many of my friends recollect feeling tiny next to the seniors and being excited to grow up to do the same thing. My class was read to as kindergarteners by the Class of 2009. A few weeks ago, my grade read to the Class of 2033 and in 13 short years, these kindergarteners will be reading to the Class of 2046!

This year, the Senior Read to Me was done through Zoom on the Wednesday before December break. Each senior was given a Swag Bag containing their Class of 2021 T-shirt, a reading book, their student ID, and cookies with hot chocolate. Additionally, each senior was paired up with a kindergartener and an individualized zoom link; Ms. Hezi and Ms. Cerone deserve a shout-out for their immense dedication here! We had 10 minutes with our kindergarteners to get to know each other and indulge in a good read. I read “If Animals Could Say I Love You” to my new little friend named Jude who I learned, like me, loves to dance! We read and laughed together and before we knew it, we were waving good-bye. It was a short and sweet experience.

After reading, each senior wrote a message into the cover of their book because this year the kindergarteners will be gifted them on their birthdays! It’ll be one of the few physical memories from this socially distanced event.

I appreciate and applaud everyone’s efforts, from the teacher volunteers to the students, in aiding the Senior Board to keep this Ardsley tradition alive. Senior Read to Me is a true full-circle moment -- everyone starts and ends their paths at Ardsley the same way. It is a monumental year where our chapters overlap briefly as we prepare for our respective next chapters to begin. Although it wasn’t the way we had foreseen ourselves reading as seniors, seeing the kindergarteners swimming in their oversized Class of 2033 shirts was a familiar, reminiscent sight reminding us of ourselves 13 years ago and how much we have grown and how far we have come.

Senior Read to Me T-Shirt Song sang by the kindergarteners

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