Panther Pals: a unique way to unite Ardsley students during quarantine. Panther Pals is an Ardsley High School tutoring program that pairs up high school students with middle schoolers. The program is designed to match you with a student who is similar to you, so that you don’t only get someone to help you with your homework, but also gain a friend. Your Panther Pal is the helping hand through the tough, lonely times of quarantine and is always a phone call away.
I interviewed Ardsley High School junior, Miles Cooperman, who has been particularly affected by the Panther Pals experience. Miles says that he and his middle school buddy have created a special bond that they wouldn’t have forged without the program. He says, “after a few sessions together, we really got to know each other. I learned about my pal’s family, friends and what sports he liked to play.” Miles as well as many other students--including myself-- are very thankful that they got to participate in the Panther Pals program, and are excited to make more memories with their new friends! What a wonderful way for us to all support each other amidst this pandemic.