Many people know the horror novelist Stephen King due to the movie adaptations of his famous novels, such as The Shining, It, and Misery. However, Stephen King is an author of over 130 books and short stories. Stephen King grew up in Bangor, Maine, which provides a nice North Eastern setting for some of his chilling stories. If you are ever looking for a good scare or a suspenseful tale, these Stephen King novels are perfect for you.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a great psychological thriller to read in your spare time. Nine-year-old Trisha McFarland is going on a hike with her mom and brother on the Appalachian Trail, when she strays from them to go to the bathroom. When she tries to find her way back to the main trail, she gets hopelessly lost. Her mother and brother, who had gone on without her, never hear her shouts for help. As a result, Trisha is left to fend for herself in unfamiliar territory; having to survive on berries and ferns so she can see her family again. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Stephen King novel without a touch of the supernatural: Trisha always feels as if she is being watched by something, but she never knows what. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a captivating tale that will have you racing through the pages, wanting to find out what happens next.
Another awesome Stephen King book is The Outsider, a suspenseful supernatural mystery. The book starts off with the body of a young boy being found in the woods. Terry Maitland, whose DNA is found all over the crime scene, is arrested instantly. You are quickly intrigued as you and the main protagonist, Ralph Anderson, find evidence that places Terry in a town 50 miles away at the time of the crime, with multiple witnesses. How can one person be in two places at the same time? King finds a way to constantly keep you interested as the story unfolds, taking many turns along the way.
Dreamcatcher, one of Stephen King’s weirder novels, is an amazing science fiction story that takes place in the fictional town of Derry, Maine. The story follows four friends that find themselves under quarantine by the army at their hunting cabin in the woods because of an extraterrestrial virus. When the virus infects a host, it creates a small worm-like alien called a Byrum, which eventually matures into a human-like creature called a Grey. The Greys have crashed a spaceship on Earth and have tried to convince the army that they are friendly when they are not. The book takes an even stranger turn when one of the main characters gets taken over by a Grey, who becomes trapped in a mental library as the Grey tries to read his thoughts. Stephen King creates a roller coaster of emotions as you wonder how the protagonists will get out of the scary situation.
Whether you are a new Stephen King reader or are already a fan of his work, these books are spectacular. They are epic, eerie, and dramatic; creating believable characters facing extraordinary challenges. You’ll enjoy every page, though you may be afraid to turn to the next one!