Each year, high school seniors steadily make their way through the college application process. Through numerous visits, information sessions and SATs, students filter through countless college opportunities, searching for the perfect school for them. With the coronavirus pandemic this year, this process has changed completely, from virtual information sessions to schools going test-optional. This new normal has dramatically changed an already stressful process for seniors.
As a result of the pandemic, universities have adapted their information sessions to accommodate the variety of students’ situations. These Zoom sessions frequently cover the basics about the college, meeting alumni families, student Q&As, and more. Colleges have adopted other forms of online communication to reach out to students. Some colleges have used Instagram livestreams to answer major-specific questions, while others have done student-led Instagram takeovers to provide an accurate depiction of the overall student experience. These new methods of communication have greatly helped in easing an already difficult admissions this year.
Additionally, due to the limited size of group gatherings, many colleges have created online virtual tours for prospective students. Using the program YouVisit, many universities have been able to give students an idea of their institution through photos, voiceovers, and even a 360º view of spots on campus. These virtual tours have helped prospective students navigate the university’s residence halls, cafeterias, research facilities and more. Although the virtual experience does not compare to an in-person tour, it helps students get an immersive experience from the comfort of their home. Recently, some schools have gradually returned to in-person tours. Considering current restrictions, groups are smaller in size and socially distanced. These efforts show the dedication universities have in facilitating a well-rounded experience of their campus for prospective students. Overall, whether in-person or online, universities are doing their best to support students in finding the best school for them during this pandemic.
Finally, with the pandemic inhibiting students’ ability to go out and visit schools, as many of us have experienced, a majority of students have not been able to take their SAT/ACT tests, or have only taken one. As a result, many students have not been able to perfect their scores to their liking. This has led to the majority of institutions changing their test policy to test optional for this incoming class of prospective first year students. Thankfully, because of the compassion that universities have shown, quite a bit of pressure has been taken off students in the application process.
As this pandemic has progressed, colleges have shown compassion in these stressful times for college applicants. Hopefully, as we move forward and applications get sent in, we can have a somewhat relaxing rest of the year and take pride in our successes. Make sure to stay safe, wear your mask, and take some time to destress! You deserve it!